Past Events
Mécanique et gravitation
January 16th-17th, 2018 (UMONS):
Workshop: 'Higher Spin workshop at UMONS'
Workshop program: https://hosting.umons.ac.be/php/mecagrav/english/files/Workshop2018Program.pdf
March 28th, 2018 (UMONS):
Seminar: Path integrals and trace anomalies by Fiorenzo Bastianelli (University of Bologna)
March 28th, 2018 (UMONS):
Seminar: On exact solutions, boundary conditions and conserved charges in 4D higher-spin gravity by Carlo Iazeolla (G. Marconi University, Rome)
November 7th, 2018 (UMONS):
Seminar: E11 is the symmetry of the low energy effective action of strings and branes by Peter West
November 7th, 2018 (UMONS):
Seminar: A unified geometric framework for YM charges and dressings in finite regions by Aldo Riello