Prizes and Awards
Mathematical Logic unit
Nathatlie Regnault, 2014 CNRL prize for her master thesis (co-direction with ULB), shared with Quentin Hiernaux (ULB)
Mechanics and Gravitation unit
Nicolas Boulanger , Théophile De Donder prize for the nineteenth three-year period (2012-2014)
Nuclear and Subnuclear Physics unit
Gwendolyn Lacroix , Second prize at the Young Speaker Contest 2015 organized by the Belgian Physical Society, shared with Nick Van Den Broeck (University of Antwerpen)
Lorenzo Cimino , First prize at the Best Poster Contest 2021 organized by the Belgian Physical Society, (UHasselt)
Theoretical and Mathematical Physics unit
Térence Delsate , Agathon de Potter prize in Astronomy for the thirty-second three-year period (2012-2014), shared with Anne-Sophie Libert (UNamur)
Atomic Physics and Astrophysics unit
Jérôme Deprince , Belgian American Educational Foundation (B.A.E.F.) fellowship (2020)