AGIF is a UMons center whose research activities are spread over different areas related to mathematics and fundamental interaction physics. This center is linked to the Research Institute for Complex Systems (Complexys; click here also for more info's on the institute's actions) and includes the Fundamental Interaction Transdisciplinary Group (FITG).
In mathematics, the subjects of interest are, for instance:
- Geometric Galois representations
- Geometric and topological model theory
Concerning physics, the main studied topics are, for instance:
- Theoretical aspects of elementary particle physics
- Solitons and non linear differential equations
- Effective theory of strong interactions
- Resolution of quantum equations
- Nuclear physics
- Quantum aspects of gravitation
- Higher spin field theory
- String theory
- Modelling of complex atomic structures
- Atomic data for Astrophysics
- Plasma physics
- Cosmology