
AGIF is a UMons center whose research activities are spread over different areas related to mathematics and fundamental interaction physics. This center is linked to the Research Institute for Complex Systems (Complexys; click here also for more info's on the institute's actions) and includes the Fundamental Interaction Transdisciplinary Group (FITG).

In mathematics, the subjects of interest are, for instance:

Concerning physics, the main studied topics are, for instance:

Link to the center statutes


New seminars, conferences and other new events


Cédric Pilatte, former bachelor student and collaborator at Service de Logique Mathématique, started a PhD thesis on October 2022 supervised by James Maynard, Fields Medal Award 2022

Vincent Bagayoko defended a thesis entitled 'Hyperseries and surreal numbers' on October 21th, 2022 at Institut Polytechnique de France (Palaiseau, France). This thesis was funded by a FRIA fellowship and co-supervised by Françoise Point (Service de Logique Mathématique, UMONS) and Joris van der Hoeven (LIX, École Polytechnique, France).